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HomeCzechsWhat Are The Best Universities in The Czech Republic?

What Are The Best Universities in The Czech Republic?

Charles University in Prague

Charles University is the oldest and largest in the country, with 17 different faculties, and is ranked in the top two percent of universities worldwide. It may have been established in 1348, but it has a modern infrastructure and dynamic teaching methods.

As the best university in the Czech Republic for research, students enrolled there have many research opportunities, thanks to partnerships with nearly 200 universities across the world. Situated in Prague, Charles University gives students plenty of opportunity to explore the attractions and enjoy the bustling cultural life of the capital city.

Masaryk University in Brno

Masaryk is the second-largest public university in the Czech Republic. It is a member of the Utrecht Network and the Compostela Group of Universities, organisations which help to foster collaboration between different universities in Europe.

Located in Brno, recently voted one of the best student cities in the world, Masaryk has about 36,000 students in nine different facilities. As it offers many programs taught in German and English, it is a good choice for many international students, on top of being a popular choice for neighbouring Slovaks wishing to study in the Czech Republic.

Czech Technical University (CTU) in Prague

Located in Prague, Czech Technical University is one of the country’s oldest universities. It has eight faculties and offers over a hundred degree programs, many of them in engineering and related fields. There’s a long tradition of offering quality technical education with cutting-edge engineering and science.

The university currently has about 24,000 graduate and post-graduate students, of which about 3,000 are international students, and boasts several famous alumni such as Christian Doppler.

Palacký University in Olomouc

The second-oldest academic institution in the country, Palacký University is one of the Czech universities regularly featured in the top world rankings.

Today it is a modern higher education facility and enrolls over 20,000 students in eight different faculties. Some of these are foreign students hailing from over 100 different countries and who, when struggling with written assignments and requirements, may try to improve their writing skills with an essay writer service. For its graduates and alumni, Palacký University offers a wide range of study programs and many scientific and research opportunities.

Brno University of Technology

The Brno University of Technology only used to offer one course in civil engineering when it first opened its doors in 1899. It has grown significantly since then and has about 22,000 students enrolled in eight faculties.

It participates in many EU projects and offers a selection of engineering programs that are taught in English, with about 4,500 international students attending. Factors that make Brno so popular include the high standard of its educational institutions, the affordable cost of living, and its safety.  

Technical University of Ostrava

There are currently nearly 12,000 undergraduates and graduates studying for degrees at this technical university in the Czech Republic’s north-east. It has a long tradition of quality engineering education and research.

With an emphasis on practical training, students investigate real-world problems in various industries using the latest instruments and software. Advanced theoretical instruction accompanies the practical coursework. There are over a thousand international students enrolled at Ostrava’s Technical University.

Source: Kafkadesk



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