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HomeEuropean UnionVisegrad Countries & Croatia Oppose EU’s Migrant Redistribution Proposal

Visegrad Countries & Croatia Oppose EU’s Migrant Redistribution Proposal

Last week, the European Commission (EC) suggested that EU countries that oppose hosting relocated migrants should be obliged to pay € 22,000 per migrant.

The issue of migrants is among the main priorities of authorities in Europe. However, when it comes to the redistribution of migrants across European Union Member States, the bloc’s authorities have different opinions, reports.

The proposal has been opposed by Poland. The Polish spokesman stressed that his country strongly opposes any mechanism of forced allocation of migrants, referring to the latest proposal of EU authorities.

“The position of our government is unchanged here. We believe that there should be no mechanisms of forced allocation and we’ll oppose (the proposal – PAP) very strongly,” Piotr Mueller pointed out, according to Polish Press Agency.

Besides Poland, the proposed rules were also criticized by authorities in Croatia, Slovakia and Hungary.

The European Commission also suggested that about 30,000 migrants should be relocated from Europe’s south to other destinations, with the possibility of increasing the number to a total of 120,000.

Poland’s Minister of Interior, Mariusz Kaminski, stressed that the country does not and will not agree to the forced relocation of migrants to Poland.

On the other hand, Italy, together with other Mediterranean states is urging for solutions that are more effective in balancing the fair sharing of responsibility as well as the principle of solidarity.

Italy, as well as Cyprus, Malta, Greece and Spain, consider that some of the proposals on migration put forward by the Swedish EU presidency go in the right direction, however, further work is required to provide solutions that are effective as well as sustainable, according to diplomatic sources.

Based on a report of Info Migrants, the plan will now be discussed at a Home Affairs Council scheduled on June 8.

The same says that, following a meeting held on Wednesday, European sources stressed that “there are points that still need to be discussed, but there is a clear desire on the part of the member states to reach a compromise and to continue the discussion.”

The recent proposal of EC brought once again to the table the discussion related to the relocation of migrants that started in 2015 following the migrant crisis in the bloc.

European Union countries are continuously dealing with a large number of migrants who attempt to reach these territories unlawfully.

A report of the European Union Border and Coast Guard Agency, Frontex, showed that for a period from January until April this year, a total of 80,700 people attempted to reach European countries illegally, thus accounting for an increase of about 30 per cent compared to the previous year figures.

Source: Schengen Visa News



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