Saturday, September 7, 2024
HomeEconomyRenew Europe Secures Key Funding for Citizens in EU's 2024 Budget

Renew Europe Secures Key Funding for Citizens in EU’s 2024 Budget

Renew Europe played a key role in obtaining 800 million Euros of reinforcement to the 2024 Budget of the European Union, as the Parliament and Council reached a deal early Saturday morning.

Renew Europe has done its outmost to ensure that next year’s EU budget is fit for the challenges and crises we face. An ambitious European budget is necessary for the EU to be taken seriously as a strong and reliable actor on the political scene.

We are proud to have secured significant funding increases for Renew Europe’s priorities, reflected in the following key EU programmes, such as CEF Transport, Eramus+, Military Mobility, the Asylum Migration and Integration Fund as well as Humanitarian Aid. We also managed to ensure financial resources for EU bodies and agencies, like the EPPO and EUAA, so they can carry out the growing responsibilities entrusted to them.

Our lead negotiator Fabienne Keller (Renaissance/France) says:

“I am happy to say that we obtained fresh money for the budget. However, this year’s budget margins were particularly narrow and we are fully counting on an MFF revision to allow us to have a stronger budget, properly meeting the union’s financing needs. This revision will allow us to have a 2024 budget to the level of our ambition and to stand alongside our European citizens.”

Valérie Hayer, (Renaissance/France), Renew Europe’s coordinator in the Committee on Budgets, says:

“Today’s deal on the 2024 budget is not a blank check. It is only a way to avoid a blockade of our programmes. Ambassadors and ministers must now ensure there is a good deal by the end of December on the revision of the long-term budget until 2027. Only after we find an agreement on this long-term budget will the EU be back on track to face our urgent challenges. The work is not over!”

Source: Renew Europe Group



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